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Stimulate Kenyan children’s
hunger for knowledge

Dolls & Toys

The lack of toys in the various facilities, including hospitals, schools and orphanages was baffling: no dolls, no cars, no puzzles, no books.


Due to the lack of availability of black dolls in Kenya, we started a collaboration with Coloured Goodies in the Netherlands. They developed a special line of dolls with specific features. Combined with books and other toys, these dolls help spark imagination and improve reading skill of children.


We're raising money to buy dolls and doll houses. These dolls will be distributed in the various play areas across Nanyuki. Interested? See the section on the right for details. 


Of course, the dolls need clothing. Hence several ladies, are now at work with great enthusiasm to knit and crochet clothes.

It's very import to a childs self-esteem to see themselves in the toys we give them to inspire their imagination.


In collaboration with Coloured Goodies, we now offer the opportunity to adopt a coloured doll for a child in Kenia. These dolls are created in image of the children which help them identify with their own culture. These high-quality dolls come with different clothes and other accessories.


We have 3 different doll sizes available:

Small      € 25,00

Medium  € 35,00

Large      € 70,00

To adopt a doll, please transfer directly to NL82 RABO 034 227 6174. Make sure to include your name or the name of your choosing so we can give it to the doll as a token of our appreciation.


Do you have questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to us via

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