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Partners & Sponsors

For all our projects we need funds and goods which are obtained from donors and partners. In line with our Articles of Association we guarantee that at least 90% of all funds shall be used for the direct benefit of the children.


To donate either use the form on the right -or- transfer directly to NL82 RABO 034 227 6174. Your support is much appreciated.

Next to donations we are open to partnerships, either in terms of money, goods or other support. If you are interested to help us stimulate Kenyan’s children hunger for knowledge feel free to contact us via We are happy to discuss the possibilities with you.


As an Algemeen Nuts Beogende Instelling (ANBI), we provide full disclosure of our finances. All information regarding our current financial position, realizations over last year, compensation policy and prospects for the coming year can be found in our Annual report 2019.



Stichting Starborn has ANBI status under Dutch tax law
Our Doll project

It's very import to a childs self-esteem to see themselves in the toys we give them to inspire their imagination.


In collaboration with Coloured Goodies, we now offer the opportunity to adopt a coloured doll for a child in Kenia. These dolls are created in image of the children which help them identify with their own culture. These high-quality dolls come with different clothes and other accessories.


We have 3 different doll sizes available:

Small      € 25,00

Medium  € 35,00

Large      € 70,00

To adopt a doll, please transfer directly to NL82 RABO 034 227 6174. Make sure to include your name or the name of your choosing so we can give it to the doll as a token of our appreciation.


Do you have questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to us via

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